John Carroll

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Project | John Carroll
Uni Projects
Web I - Client side scripting HTML/CSS/JS

Module focused on the development of HTML, and CSS skills with some basic JavaScript included.
Deliverable was a basic website for a fictional company called Become Green, a recycled furniture shop.

Code in action | Code on GitHub

Web II - server side scripting -HTML/CSS/JS/PHP

The Module focused on the development of JavaScript and More importantly PHP skills.
Product of the first assignment in the module was am assortment of exercises to demonstrate the basics of PHP and JavaScript, 5 dedicated to PHP and 4 dedicated to JavaScript
Product of the Second assignment in the module was a server side quiz to determine the age of a user based on answers given to a multiple choice quiz.

Assignment 1 | Assignment 2 | Code on GitHub

Web 3 - Web Applications - HTML/CSS/JS/PHP

Module built on from the previous modules of client side scripting, server side scripting and Database fundamentals

Code in action | Code on GitHub

Procedural Programming Module - C

Module focused on development of basic C Programming skills.
Deliverables were split into 17 small programs Divided into 4 Sections:

  1. String manipulation and Basic mathematical functions
  2. Branching
  3. Loops and Functions
  4. Game of 42. Use of the previous 3 parts to develop a simple game of chance where the player tries to achieve a value closer to 42 than the computer.

Code on GitHub

Object Oriented Programming Module - C#

Module focused on the use of C# and the .Net framework to produces a console based room booking service that stores the events to an database set up by the Entity Framework library included within the .Net Framework.


Code On GitHub

E-business - HTML/CSS/JS/PHP

Module was a group project that focused primarily on extending the current functions of an existing business to improve their online potential.

For this project, my primary role to make sure search function and profile loading. I also provided help with debugging on the front end and as a second pair of eyes to the database developer.

Code in Action